Why Pigeon Control is Important and Needs to be Addressed Quickly

Why Pigeon Control is Important and Needs to be Addressed Quickly
Why Pigeon Control is Important and Needs to be Addressed Quickly

Pigeons look like a harmless bird to have around your house. However, they are responsible for causing damage worth millions of dollars every year. That’s because pigeons cause destruction to a variety of property structures, including roofs, machinery, ventilation systems, and many more. This happens due to pigeon nesting and droppings. This is why you need to take things seriously and make sure that you control the presence of them around your living space.

Health hazards of pigeons

Pigeon droppings can lead humans to serious health hazards. They contain fungi, bacteria, and ectoparasites. There are quite a few ways on how pigeon droppings can be harmful to humans. Inhalation of faecal dust, contamination with water or food, and direct contact holds a prominent place out of them. It can also happen due to parasitic transfer.

Some of the health problems that you will have to deal with pigeon droppings include salmonella, encephalitis, candidiasis, and Newcastle disease. It can also lead you to meningitis. The droppings can create an ideal environment for the growth of fungus. It can lead humans to histoplasmosis. Mites, lice, fleas, and many other pests live on these birds. Pigeons can also increase the possibility of attracting other pests, such as rats. They tend to feed on dead pigeons.

Pigeon droppings can also result in slip and fall accidents. This is why it is quite dangerous to have pigeon droppings in areas with high traffic.

Understanding the damage that pigeon droppings can cause

Pigeons are identified as a messy bird. They tend to leave behind droppings everywhere they go. Pigeon droppings are not just gross. They contain uric acid, which makes them quite explosive as well. This is one of the main reasons on why pigeon droppings can be dangerous to painted surfaces such as sigs and awnings. It has been identified that pigeon droppings were the main reason behind Minnesota Bridge accident that took place back in the year 2007. The pigeon droppings have weakened metal supports of the bridge along with time.

Apart from pigeon droppings, their nests can also cause property damage. The pigeons prefer to build their nests within the gutters and roof corners. This can block the drainage systems. This is one of the main reasons behind roof damage and roof collapses that take place out there.

Pigeon nests can block ventilation systems of properties as well. This would prevent the exhaust of harmful gases to leave the property. Moreover, it can accelerate the spread of diseases as well. You should also consider fire as a potential hazard. The nesting materials that pigeons use is quite flammable. That’s because they contain straw, twigs, grass, and even dried droppings. If a pigeon nest is built near electric signs, there is a high possibility for a fire hazard to arise.

It is important to keep in mind that pigeons are highly social creatures. After finding a spot to live, they will keep on coming to that place over and over again. They will also be bringing pigeon pals to that place. This can lead you to even bigger problems along with time.

Since pigeons are quite comfortable with humans, it will not be so easy to scare them away. This will lead you to challenges when trying to deter pigeons. This is where you will need to seek the assistance of a professional pest control company. Then you will be able to hand them over the task of pigeon control.

Some useful tips to deter pigeons

There are few useful tips that you can keep in mind to deter pigeons. Here are the most prominent signs out of them.

  • Never try to feed the pigeons
  • Screen all your gutters and drains to make the property less attractive to pigeons
  • Keep the areas around your trash bins and dining areas clean.
  • Get your kids to pick up spilled food and not let them around.
  • Get rid of all the sources of bird baths and kids pools.

Follow these tips and you will be able to deter pigeons. But if you are not in a position to do it on your own, the best thing you can do is to seek the assistance of a professional pigeon control company.

Santa Fe Pigeon Control

We are Parker Pest Services and we’re happy to provide articles like this one about pigeon control to help people and our valued clients learn more about pest control and pests to be concerned about. When you need a Santa Fe pigeon control or a Los Alamos pigeon control, give us a call at 505-401-9380 to schedule an appointment.