Got Santa Fe Pigeon Issues? – Here’s Why It is Critical to Call a Pest Control Company ASAP


I know pigeons seem like they're just hanging out, doing their thing around Santa Fe. But let me tell you, if you've got them setting up camp on your property, it's bad news.

These birds might look innocent enough, but they can cause some serious headaches if you let them stick around.

If you've noticed them flocking like crazy to your Santa Fe roof, cooing loudly, or leaving messy droppings everywhere, you need to take action immediately.

Here's why pigeons are an urgent issue and how to handle it.

Pigeon Poop Spreads Some Gnarly Diseases

Here's the deal - pigeon droppings aren't just gross and smelly. They can actually spread some pretty gnarly diseases to us humans that make you super sick. I'm talking fungal infections like histoplasmosis that can cause chest pain, fever, and pneumonia. Not fun.

Pigeons also spread bacterial diseases through their poop like psittacosis. And you can pick up parasites like mites and ticks from pigeon droppings that will bite and itch like crazy.

The more their hazardous poop piles up around your place, the easier it is to catch something. Don't take chances with your health or your family's!

Their Mess Damages Your Property

Get this - pigeon poop is highly acidic and will eat away at almost any surface over time. Roofs, paint, metal fixtures - you name it, pigeon droppings will corrode it.

The poop stains and damages areas, leaving cracks, worn spots, and holes. Pigeons also clog gutters and vents with their untidy nests, leading to water damage when it rains.

The longer you have pigeons hanging around cooing on your roof, the more their corrosive poop and nests will destroy parts of your home. Don't let them wreck your property!

Pigeons Bring Friends...And Not The Good Kind!

Here's the deal when it comes to pigeons - they like to flock together in groups. But that's not the only company they attract. Wherever pigeons gather, more pests are sure to follow.

Pigeon nests and droppings draw in parasites like mites, fleas, and ticks eager to bite you and your pets. Flies also swarm around areas with lots of pigeon poop buildup. No thank you!

It starts with a few pigeons on your roof, next thing you know, you've got a whole army of biting, stinging pests running amok in your yard. Stop the problem before it multiplies!

Their Non-Stop Cooing Ruins Your Peace and Quiet

Let's get real for a second - pigeons are not exactly quiet, respectful guests. They coo loudly at each other all day long from your roof and window sills. It's enough to drive someone bonkers!

The constant chorus of cooing completely destroys any sense of peace and quiet around your home. You can forget about concentrating, relaxing, or even sleeping with that racket going on. Reclaim your right to some peace and quiet!

Pigeons Contaminate Water Sources

If you use rain barrels, rooftop water collection systems or outdoor bird baths, watch out! Pigeon droppings contain nasty bacteria and parasites that contaminate water sources.

Letting pigeons hang around means any water you collect becomes unsafe for drinking or irrigation. And your backyard bird bath turns into a disease-ridden cesspool! Don't let pigeons jeopardize your access to clean water.

Pigeon Problems Cost You Big Time

Let's add it up - damage repairs, dropping clean-up, frequent power washing - pigeons can really take a toll on your wallet. Maintaining a pigeon-infested property requires serious time and money.

All those expenses caused by pesky pigeons add up fast. Save yourself the money and hassle by kicking them to the curb right away before your bills skyrocket!

Lawsuits and Fines May Come Your Way

If you run a business or rent out property, you could end up paying big time if you let pigeons stick around. Slip-and-fall accidents or health code citations related to their droppings can lead to massive lawsuits and fines. Not good.

Don't put yourself at risk for legal penalties and fees out the wazoo. Give pigeons the boot quickly to avoid issues down the road and keep people safe.

Pigeons Ruffle Feathers With Customers

Let's be honest - if tenants or customers notice pigeons flocking around your building, pooping everywhere, it looks bad. People will question if you really care about cleanliness and maintenance.

Don't let pigeons damage your business or rental reputation. Give them the heave ho before they send your customers packing for somewhere less...poopy.

Pigeon Families Multiply Crazy Fast

Here are the shocking facts on pigeons - one pair can have up to 12 broods a year, with 1-2 chicks per brood. They grow up and start reproducing within 4-5 months. Do the math - that's a lot of pigeons!

Their population explodes rapidly if you let things get out of hand. Address the issue ASAP, before you end up with a massive pigeon army invading your space.

DIY Pigeon Control Is A Bust

Trying to boot the pigeons yourself with some owl statues or spikes may work for like a day. But these wily birds always find ways around DIY deterrents. You'll end up chasing them away forever with no permanent solution.

Leave it to the professionals who know how to rid your property of pigeons and keep them away for good. Don't waste time trying to battle them yourself!

Call The Pros Today!

Reputable pest control companies have the top-notch methods to:

  • Remove all the pigeons humanely
  • Seal off entry points to your property
  • Apply repellents and deterrents the birds can't outsmart
  • Install exclusion systems like netting and spikes
  • Provide ongoing monitoring if pigeons return

We 'll inspect your property to figure out exactly how the pigeons are getting in and target the infestation for complete removal.

Custom solutions by the experts ensure no more pigeon invasions - we really know how to give them the boot for good!


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