How to Prevent Rodent Infestation

How to Prevent Rodent Infestation

Finding signs of a rodent infestation in your home can be alarming and frustrating. No one wants to deal with the health risks and property damage caused by unwelcome critters invading their space. The good news is there are steps you can take to prevent and eliminate rodent infestations. With these actions, you can keep those pesky rodents from infiltrating your home.

Start Outside

Since rodents like rats and mice will enter homes in search of food and shelter, the first line of defense is keeping your exterior property clear of attractions. Be diligent about cleaning up any garbage and food waste that could lure rodents to your yard. Pick up fallen fruit from trees and keep compost bins sealed.

Eliminate wood piles, dense vegetation and other areas where rodents could nest. Maintain a barrier of at least 2 feet between plants and the structure of your home. A tidy yard goes a long way toward preventing rodents from viewing your property as a tempting home base.

Maintain a Spotless Interior

Even with the most immaculate yard, a rodent can still find its way inside, drawn by smells of food or opportunity for shelter. That’s why it’s critical to maintain clean, clutter-free living spaces inside the home as well. Follow these tips to keep your interior rodent-resistant:

  • Clean up food spills right away to eliminate smells that attract rodents.
  • Pick up clutter in areas like corners, closets and basements where rodents could nest out of sight.
  • Don’t let laundry pile up–it’s the perfect hiding place for rodents.
  • Keep counters, tables and appliances free of crumbs and residue.
  • Regularly disinfect surfaces in kitchen and bathrooms.
  • Wipe out cabinets, drawers and pantries to remove any traces of food.

Inspect and Seal Entry Points

To determine if you already have unwelcome rodent roomates, inspect your home for signs like droppings, gnaw marks, rub marks along walls, and sounds of scurrying in walls. Pay particular attention to possible entry points like:

  • Cracks around doors or windows
  • Small gaps where utilities like pipes or wires enter the home
  • Attic or crawl space access points
  • Openings where vents and ductwork meet exterior walls

Any gaps or holes where a rodent could squeeze through should be sealed up with caulk, metal mesh, foam or other durable fillers. This may take some time and diligence to find and properly close up all vulnerabilities, but is well worth the peace of mind.

Call in the Professionals

Attempting to rid your home of rodents on your own can be frustrating, ineffective and even hazardous.

  • Mouse traps or poison baits may seem like simple solutions but they have limited success and risks.
  • Glue boards are inhumane.
  • Live trapping and releasing rodents outdoors just makes them your neighbors’ problem.

For guaranteed elimination of rats and mice, calling a professional pest control company, like the pros at Parker Pest Services, is your best and safest bet. A knowledgeable exterminator will inspect extensively, implement solutions tailored to your infestation, monitor traps and clean up any mess afterwards.