Santa Fe Pest Control Winter Pest Proofing Best Tips to Know

Santa Fe Pest Control Winter Pest Proofing Best Tips to Know

Can you believe it’s that time of year again? The air is getting crisper, the leaves are falling, and we’re breaking out our cozy sweaters here in Santa Fe.

But as much as we welcome the holiday season, it also means some unwanted guests try to join the festivities – bugs, mice, and other pesky critters looking for a warm place to stay. Yuck!

Before you grab the bug spray and declare war on these party crashers, let’s talk about how you can actually stay pest-free all winter long!

We’ve got some great tips to share so you can relax and enjoy the holidays in peace.

Inspect Your Property Top to Bottom

First things first – we need to find all the ways these sneaky little guys might be getting into your home.

Take a walk around the outside and do a thorough sweep inside too. Check any potential problem areas for holes, cracks or openings. Make sure you look closely – leave no stone or floorboard unturned!

What should you be on the lookout for?

  • Exposed pipes, gaps in siding, cracks in the foundation – even tiny openings that seem harmless can provide an open invitation for bugs and mice. Seal ’em up!
  • Attic vents, roofing, window and door frames – inspect for gaps, holes, loose shingles or siding panels that need to be patched.
  • Gutters and roof – clear out fallen leaves, nests and other debris that could shelter pests from the elements.
  • Check the basement, attic, garage – any signs of current or past uninvited rodent tenants like droppings and nests? Give those areas extra scrutiny.
  • Windows and doors – are the caulk and weatherstripping deteriorating? Any seals letting in cold drafts can also let in pests. Time to refresh!

When you’re inspecting, don’t just visually glance around. Really investigate thoroughly – tap on wood and siding for hidden hollow spots, shine a flashlight behind appliances and into dark corners, climb ladders to get an up-close view of the roofline and exterior. Pests are sneaky and can hide in tiny crevices you wouldn’t expect, so leave no area un-searched!

Once you’ve identified any entry points, make sure to seal them up nice and snug. Use weather-resistant sealants, insulation, mesh, caulk – whatever it takes to patch those holes and cracks. Remember, mice can squeeze through spaces the size of a dime! So no gap is too small to matter when it comes to keeping pests out.

Pest-Proofing Pro Tips

Okay, you’ve sealed up all the sneaky entrances. But there’s more you can do to fully fortify your space against those pesky invaders looking to crash your holiday fun. Here are some smart tips:

  • Insulate outdoor faucets and any exterior pipes/vents so they don’t freeze…or provide an appealing warm spot for bugs!
  • Install new weatherstripping around windows and doors for a tighter seal against cold air leaks – and shut that revolving door on uninvited pests!
  • Caulk and seal any interior cracks and gaps too – baseboards, outlets etc. Deprive pests of those secret passages and hiding spots in your home’s nooks and crannies.
  • In the yard, apply spot treatments of granular or liquid pesticide around the exterior foundation and other problem zones. These chemical barriers discourage pests from lingering and loitering. Reapply after heavy rains wash away.
  • Cover external vents with steel wire mesh to prevent rodents from gnawing and chewing their way inside.
  • Check window screens for any tears that need patching, and make sure they fit tightly within frames when closed.
  • Give your fireplace some TLC – clean out ashes after fires and install a chimney cap to keep wildlife from venturing down when not in use.
  • Inspect the furnace and ducts, change filters, remove dust and debris so your heating system runs cleanly all season. No cozy hideouts!

Very important: Have a professional pest control technician come do a preventative exterior dusting/de-webbing treatment. This will remove any lingering spider webs, egg sacks, and insect nests around your home before they have a chance to grow.