Santa Fe Pigeon Droppings Around Your Home are Dangerous to Your Health- Here’s Why

Santa Fe Pigeon Droppings Around Your Home are Dangerous to Your Health- Here's Why by Parker Pest Services 505-401-9380 a

The fact of the matter is that the level of risk caused by a pigeon infestation varies widely depending on the type of infection. However, there is a genuine risk of acquiring a sickness from the droppings of pigeons on your house or land if you have an infestation of any number of pigeons in either of those locations. Getting rid of the pigeon infestation as quickly as you can eliminate any possibility of infection is thus your best choice. The follow information, provided by Parker Pest Services, a Santa Fe, NM, pest control and pigeon control service provider, spells out the dangers and what can be done about them.

Pigeons are known to be susceptible to and carriers of a wide variety of illnesses and parasites, many of which may be found in the droppings they produce. When pigeons locate a space on your property or roof that they may call home, they will very soon generate a significant mess of their feces because they often defecate.

If you have pigeons residing on your Santa Fe, NM, property, there is a good chance that one of the following things may occur at some point in time:

  • Pigeons will defecate on your roof, and mother nature will see that their excrement is deposited either on the ground or in the shrubs, trees, and plants you have on your property. This presents the potential risk of becoming tracked inside your home not just by you and your family but also by any pets you have. Because of this, any sickness or parasites present in those droppings will make their way into your home.
  • Pigeons will search for a cozy spot to nest, and once they do, they will often only defecate in that one location. These droppings will accumulate on your roof or on a ledge, which will directly result in damage to your property. The droppings are very acidic and have the potential to deteriorate roofing materials as well as solar panels. When there is a leak in the roof, moisture can enter the droppings and cause even more harm to the house. This contaminated water will transport everything in their droppings directly into your attic, and anyplace else the leak spreads.

Regardless of whether there is a disease present, we can all agree that having a lot of bird feces on your property is just plain disgusting.

Santa Fe Pigeon Droppings Around Your Home are Dangerous to Your Health- Here's Why  by Parker Pest Services 505-401-9380 b

About illnesses and parasites that pigeons transmit, the following are the ones that you should be most concerned about:


Inhaling the fungal spores that can develop on soil that includes pigeon feces can cause you to acquire this infection if you encounter them. Even though not everyone who breathes in these spores will develop histoplasmosis, if you have these spores in your home, you and your family are at continual risk of developing this infection.

Those with a compromised immune system may have extraordinarily uncomfortable and even life-threatening symptoms due to this illness. Headaches, fever, a dry cough, and exhaustion are among the common symptoms, which are typically like those of the flu.


Another type of fungal illness that people might get from pigeons is called coccidioidomycosis. Over 20 different species of yeast known as Candida are responsible for this illness. The mouth and throat are important sites for infection, and the condition that occurs there is usually known as “thrush” It is also possible for it to affect the skin, the respiratory system, the intestines, and the urogenital tract. Even more severe complications might arise due to this illness in females.


Pigeons are the vectors for another fungal illness like this one. It is less likely to be contracted than the other two illnesses discussed, although it is hazardous. In its natural habitat, this fungus may be found in tropical and subtropical regions, such as the Pacific Northwest of the United States. This illness can cause problems with both your respiratory system and your neurological system.


It is frequently referred to as “Parrot Fever” because, in addition to pigeons, birds kept as pets can also transmit this disease, typically the most common method for infecting people. Most human cases of this disease are attributed to the inhalation of dust derived from dried bird dung or from dry discharge that can seep from the beak and eyes of birds. Coughing, headaches, and fever are just some of the possible symptoms of what might develop into a dangerous lung infection that requires medical treatment.


This virus is not directly caught through pigeon droppings; instead, it is more of an indirect danger that comes from pigeons and other birds in general; yet, it is still essential to bring up since it is crucial to discuss. In most cases, the transmission of this virus from pigeons to people occurs by the bite of a mosquito that has previously dined on a pigeon that is infected with the virus and then goes on to infect a human. Ticks are another possible vector for virus transmission. Getting rid of all the pigeons living on your property is one of the most effective ways to stop anything like this. In addition to getting rid of pigeons on your property, your most significant line of defense is to take measures to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes and ticks.

This virus causes severe symptoms and has the potential to cause significant harm. An acute inflammation of the brain, often known as encephalitis, can pose a significant health risk. Headaches, fever, sleepiness, disorientation, and exhaustion are the most frequently experienced symptoms. The most severe manifestations of Parkinson’s disease might include tremors, seizures, convulsions, hallucinations, memory issues, and even stroke. The possibility of contracting this virus is an excellent argument for permanently removing all pigeons from your property.


Salmonella is the pathogen responsible for this illness, resulting in severe symptoms and, in some cases, even death. The consumption of raw or improperly prepared poultry and the potential for contamination from other sources in the kitchen is the leading cause of this sickness. One possibility, albeit less likely, is that the illness might be transmitted to people from pigeons.

Pigeons that carry this bacterium in their bodies can transmit it to other pigeons through their droppings. Salmonella may be found in the droppings’ dust, spreading in various ways. One of the problems is that the dust, if it gets into a residence or the HVAC system, can cause illness if breathed.


The bacteria that are more well known by its scientific name Escherichia coli is found in the intestines of both humans and other animals. Most E. coli strains are not pathogenic, meaning they do not cause illness in people. If you contact any pigeons infected with this bacterium, it can spread throughout your body. E. coli can be the cause of a wide variety of illnesses, including but not limited to pneumonia, urinary tract infections, respiratory disease, and diarrhea.

Pigeons may expose you to several health risks, including parasites, ticks, and mites, in addition to diseases and infections. Typically, this occurs after the pigeons have built a nest in a particular location and left a significant number of droppings behind. This is an ideal environment for developing various pests and diseases. A dead pigeon provides an even better environment for the reproduction of vermin and insects. Ticks, mites, bed bugs, and even lice are a few examples of insects that may be very troublesome. The more entrenched the pigeon infestation is, the higher the risk that these unpleasant little insects may find their way inside your home.


Pigeon droppings on your Santa Fe property are not only unpleasant to look at, but they also pose serious health hazards and even have the potential to harm your property, your family or both. Pigeons are filthy birds. The most practical step you can take is to eliminate the pigeon problem on your property, ensure that all affected areas have been thoroughly cleansed, and take precautions to prevent the birds from relocating to your land. If you have pigeons on your Santa Fe property, it is best to eliminate them. Call the pros at Parker Pest Services to schedule an appointment for pigeon control service call at your Santa Fe home

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